Post Procedure Instructions – Special Populations

Shoulder Patients

Avoid overhead work, if possible, for 2 – 3 months. Don’t play tennis with the injected side for 6 – 8 weeks. A rotator cuff stabilization program (stretch tubing with elbow at side, using internal and external rotation exercises are appropriate). Avoid shoulder/military press above head. No kettle balls over shoulder level during the healing phase.

Hip, Knee and Ankle Patients

Avoid compression activities, such as running, jumping, squatting, supine leg press and pivoting for 2 – 3 months to allow the regenerative cells to settle. Pain is your guideline. Ideally you should exercise to stabilize the entire lower extremity (hip, knee and ankle).


No golf (except chip and putt) for 2 months. For months 2-3, minimize golf with no more than 9 holes once a week. Let the regenerative cells heal your knee, shoulder and hip. During months 2-3, slowly work up to a few 9-hole games per week. After 3 months, take the next few months to slowly progress to 18 holes. Work on your swing to abbreviate over-rotation. Consider some lessons with a golf pro to change bad habits with your swing.


Many factors or variables can lead to cartilage degeneration and arthritis. Some you can control and some you cannot. These include genetics and family history, aging, autoimmune disease, poor diet or mal absorption of nutrients, obesity, lack of exercise, smoking and hormone disorders.

Consider making lifestyle changes to eliminate factors that might put you at higher risk for joint/cartilage breakdown.

Four goals to control arthritis:

  1. Control pain and inflammation
    • Turmeric (limited uptake in GI tract) or Curcumin (with Bioperine or black pepper extract, will increase GI absorption by 2000%).
    • Flax Seed Oil (2 tbsp/day in applesauce is best) or Fish Oils.
    • Boswellia (is equal to anti-inflammatories in double-blind studies is safe and have very few adverse interactions with other medications.
  2. Improve joint function – flexibility and strength for stabilization.
  3. Maintain healthy body weight.
  4. Achieve a healthy lifestyle with exercise and good nutrition.

Further questions, testimonials, and a blog with medical article reviews and references on Visit me on Facebook, Twitter (@DrUrse), and LinkedIn.
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An initial consultation can explore individualized treatment plans, which may help avoid surgery or be used as an adjunct to a planned procedure. A determination can be made if the procedure is to be done in an office or in a hospital setting. Procedure costs will vary based upon your insurance, co-pays, deductibles, whether one or two body areas are chosen, and where your particular procedure is performed. To schedule a consultation, call 937-415-9100. Appointments can generally be scheduled within one or two days.


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